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“We like Slovak design and products, which is why we fell in love with these sneakers at first sight. We wear them to all our events, where they often become the center of attention.“
Lucia Rabatinová
Marketing Director
Sneakers that Mapei SK donated to its employees. They were part of the company’s teambuilding event.
We look forward to every cooperation. We advise the client and together with him we create sneakers. Sometimes, however, the client comes up with his own design and a clear idea of what the sneakers should bring to the company. So it was in this case. The client’s expectations were fulfilled and we applaud : )
„Please, design of sneakers that will reflect the activities of our company. We are mostly a male team.“ This is how our cooperation usualy begins.
Najviac našich klientov prekvapuje, ako hladko a rýchlo celý proces od návrhu dizajnu, cez výrobu až po dodanie tenisiek prebieha.
2 týždňov
Od dizajnu po výrobu
Ale radi vám ich vyrobíme viac 🙂
Mnoho firem už využilo tento nevšedný spôsob komunikácie. Od malých živnostníkov po veľké korporácie.
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